Cosmetics Expert Witnesses

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Cosmetics expert witnesses specialize in a variety of fields, including dermatology, chemistry, toxicology, product safety, and regulatory compliance. Some of the most common specialties among cosmetics expert witnesses also include skincare formulation, makeup artistry, cosmetic surgery, hair care products, and fragrance development. They have provided opinions on the effects of allergic reactions to cosmetics, product liability issues, false advertising claims, harmful ingredients in cosmetics, and standards of care in cosmetic procedures.

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Cosmetic & General Dentistry Expert WitnessView profile


Cosmetic & General Dentistry Expert Witness

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This expert is a general dental practitioner with over 40 years of experience in all phases of dentistry including general care, prosthetics, cosmetics, root canals, oral disease therapy, and surgery. He is also a member of such prestigious dental societies as the American Dental Association, the Pennsylvania Dental Association, and is a fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantology,...

Dentistry Expert WitnessView profile


Dentistry Expert Witness

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This highly qualified dental expert earned his DDS and completed residency training in advanced dentistry at New York University College of Dentistry. He has won numerous awards throughout his career and sits on a number of dental committees including the Medical Disciplinary Committee of Delta Dental. He is currently a privately practicing dentist specializing in general dentistry, cosmetic...

FDA (Food & Cosmetics) Expert WitnessView profile


FDA (Food & Cosmetics) Expert Witness

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This expert in toxicology had a 22-year career in regulatory positions at the Food and Drug Administration. The expert joined the FDA in 1977 and served as the Special Assistant to the Director of the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition and as the Director of Division of Toxicological Research. Following retirement from Federal service, he was also the State Toxicologist, Chemical...

Cosmetic & Household Regulatory Good Practices Expert WitnessView profile


Cosmetic & Household Regulatory Good Practices Expert Witness

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This industry veteran has been in the consumer products market for 40+ years, including 35 years spent at Amway Corporation. He has been active throughout his career as a scientist and group leader in the development of consumer products, particularly those involving chemical formulations (detergents, cosmetics, cleaners, and others). Since the 1980s, the expert has been active in formal programs...


Cosmetic Regulatory Good Practices Expert WitnessView profile


Cosmetic Regulatory Good Practices Expert Witness

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New York

This experienced cosmetics ingredients expert joined Estee Lauder in 1981 as a QA Products Laboratory Supervisor. He remained with the company until 2006, most recently serving as the Director of Special Analytical Services and R&D. In this position, the expert was responsible for Estee Lauder's raw material program, which included oversight of analytical testing, evaluation of new raw materials,...

Product Formulation Patent Infringement Expert WitnessView profile


Product Formulation Patent Infringement Expert Witness

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New York

This well-credentialed expert earned his B.S. in Pharmacy from Columbia University, an M.S. in Pharmacy from the University of Iowa, and a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from the University of Iowa. He has extensive experience in cosmetics development, including positions at Johnson & Johnson, Avon Products, and DeLaire Inc. From 1993 until 2001, the expert was the Senior Director of Research...

Colors & Cosmetics Chemistry Expert WitnessView profile


Colors & Cosmetics Chemistry Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert is specialized in the color and cosmetics chemistry with a deep understanding of formulation, toxicology, microbiology, and the safety requirements of products within his field. He spent 34 years with the Food and Drug Administration where he held a number of positions including serving as the chief of color technology, deputy director of color and cosmetics, and...

Cosmetic Laser & Light Devices Expert WitnessView profile


Cosmetic Laser & Light Devices Expert Witness

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North Carolina

This highly-qualified expert is a physician-endorsed master esthetician with over 15 years of experience in the field. This expert is a licensed esthetician, having earned her esthetician diploma from Michigan College of Beauty's 600-hour program and completed certificate training programs focused on cosmetic medicine for primary care physicians and Syneron-Candela Laser Corporation's Cutera...

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The Average Cosmetics Expert Witness
Charges $292 / Hour

Based on hourly rates. Compare expert witness rates across thousands of specialties in all 50 states.

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    This represents an expert’s hourly rate for participating in depositions. Experts may charge more for depositions that require them to travel, and some experts choose to bill a flat, daily or half-daily rate for deposition appearances.

  • Deposition Fee


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    This represents an expert’s hourly rate for participating in depositions. Experts may charge more for depositions that require them to travel, and some experts choose to bill a flat, daily or half-daily rate for deposition appearances.

  • Court Fee


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    This represents an expert’s hourly rate for participating in depositions. Experts may charge more for depositions that require them to travel, and some experts choose to bill a flat, daily or half-daily rate for deposition appearances.

Cosmetics Expert Witness FAQs

A cosmetics expert witness provides specialized knowledge in cases involving cosmetic products, their formulation, safety standards, labeling regulations, and potential health effects.

They are often involved in personal injury cases due to allergic reactions or harmful side effects, intellectual property disputes over product formulations, and false advertising claims.

Yes, they can offer valuable insights on FDA regulations, industry best practices, product testing methods, and safety protocols in the cosmetics industry.

Subspecialties may include cosmetic chemistry, dermatology, toxicology, regulatory affairs, and more. The specific expertise needed will depend on the case details.

They can evaluate the product's ingredients and marketing claims against industry standards and scientific evidence to determine if there has been any misrepresentation.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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