Consumer Product Safety Expert Witnesses

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Consumer product safety expert witnesses practice in a variety of fields, including product liability litigation, manufacturing defects, design defects, warning label deficiencies, and child safety. Some of the most common specialties among consumer product safety expert witnesses include toy safety, household appliance safety, sports equipment safety, automotive product safety, and food product safety. They have provided opinions on the effects of inadequate warnings, faulty designs, manufacturing errors, consumer misuse, and regulatory compliance.

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Retail Finance & Consumer Products Expert WitnessView profile


Retail Finance & Consumer Products Expert Witness

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This expert is a partner in a large independent public accounting firm, where he serves as the leader of the firm's National Retail/Consumer Products industry group. He provides consulting services in the apparel, manufacturing, distribution, and retail industries.

Food & Consumer Products Industry Expert WitnessView profile


Food & Consumer Products Industry Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert has 25+ years of experience in the Food & Consumer Products Industry. He is a certified management consultant and received his M.B.A. in Marketing from Iona College. He started working as a Senior Partner and Director of Case & Company and furthered his career as the Vice President for Cresap's Food and Consumer Products Practice. This expert is recognized for...

Human Factors Psychologist & Consumer product Safety Expert WitnessView profile


Human Factors Psychologist & Consumer product Safety Expert Witness

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This human factors psychologist has nearly 30 years of experience as a safety analysis professional. She began her career as a Human Factors Psychologist with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), and she currently owns and operates a firm that examines the design, instructions and warnings of consumer products. She conducts training for manufacturers on issues such as anticipating...

Medical Device & Consumer Products Engineering Expert WitnessView profile


Medical Device & Consumer Products Engineering Expert Witness

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This highly qualified engineer earned his BS and MS in mechanical engineering from California Polytechnic State University. He went on to earn his PhD in mechanical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. He has over 10 years of experience conducting failure analysis for various products including biomedical devices. He formerly served as Principal Mechanical Engineer at COR...

Electronics & Wireless Communications Expert WitnessView profile


Electronics & Wireless Communications Expert Witness

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This expert has over 25 years in electrical engineering and product development. He gained his MS and PhD in electrical engineering and systems from the University of Pennsylvania. After serving as an assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at the Illinois Institute, he transitioned to industry and spent 13 years at Motorola Mobility developing wireless products. He ended his...

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Consumer Product Safety Expert Witness FAQs

A Consumer Product Safety expert witness provides specialized knowledge in cases involving product defects, recalls, safety standards, and regulations. They can offer critical insights into whether a product was safe for use.

These experts are often needed in personal injury cases, product liability lawsuits, class action suits related to defective products, and regulatory compliance disputes.

Yes, many experts specialize in children's products and understand specific safety standards and regulations that apply to toys, cribs, car seats, etc.

An expert can evaluate the circumstances leading to the recall, assess if proper procedures were followed, and determine any potential negligence or non-compliance with safety standards.

Yes, some experts may focus on specific areas like electronics safety, food safety, automotive safety, pharmaceuticals safety or children's product safety.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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