Construction Defect Expert Witnesses in Mississippi

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Construction defect expert witnesses practice in a variety of fields, including building construction, civil engineering, structural engineering, architecture, and project management. Some of the most common specialties among these experts include foundation defects, roofing defects, plumbing defects, electrical system defects, and HVAC system defects. They have provided opinions on the effects of poor workmanship, design errors, material failures, code violations, and water intrusion issues.

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Site & Building Construction Expert WitnessView profile


Site & Building Construction Expert Witness

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This highly-qualified expert has extensive experience in site and building construction, high rise condos, AIA disputes, and insurance claims. He earned his BLA in landscape architecture from Mississippi State University, is a registered landscape architect and building contractor, and is a licensed realtor and general contractor builder. This expert is active in his field as a member of the...

Construction Defect Expert Witness FAQs

A construction defect expert witness is a professional with extensive knowledge and experience in the construction industry. They provide testimony and evidence in legal cases involving construction defects.

These experts handle cases involving building code violations, structural failures, water intrusion issues, poor workmanship claims, and other construction-related disputes.

They can analyze project documents, inspect the site for defects, evaluate compliance with industry standards, and provide credible testimony to support your case.

Yes, some experts may specialize in specific areas like structural engineering, architecture, or building codes. Their expertise can be crucial depending on the nature of the defect.

Construction defect cases often involve complex technical details. An expert witness with this specialty has the necessary knowledge to understand these complexities and present them clearly in court.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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